Fields Institute Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Neuroscience
KCNhub and KCNI members (Griffiths, Lefebvre, Skinner) are on the organizing committee for this program that will take place in 2025 (July to December).

EMBO Workshop on Astrocytes: From Molecules to Systems
KCNhub member Maurizio De Pittà will be a speaker at this EMBO Workshop which is the first international meeting dedicated to astrocytes. It will take place at the Venice International University on San Servolo Island in Venice (Italy) on April 14–18, 2025.

EMBO Course on Quantifying Astrocyte Physiology by Models from Genome to Circuits
KCNhub member Maurizio De Pittà is speaker and curator for this EMBO Meeting Satellite event on April 10–11, 2025 at the University of Padua, Padua, Italy

UHN news highlight of KCNhub research - Skinner/Lefebvre labs
The research of KCNhub members Spandan Sengupta, Drs. Frances Skinner and Jeremie Lefebvre and KCNhub alumnus Dr. Afroditi Talidou has been highlighted in UHN research news. See link

Krembil Brain Institute (KBI) zoom talk by KCNhub member Dr. Milad Lankarany
Milad will speak (via zoom) at the Computational and Clinical Neuroscience lecture series on Thursday March 6th at 8am.

Krembil Brain Institute (KBI) zoom talk by KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pitta
Maurizio will speak (via zoom) at the launch of the Computational and Clinical Neuroscience lecture series on Thursday Feb 27th at 8am.

KCNhub member Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre and KCNhub alumnus Dr. Afroditi Talidou publish new paper
The study highlights the importance of spatial heterogeneity of myelin sheathing in shaping nerve axonal conduction. Using model axons that faithfully replicate myelin distributions observed in the mouse central nervous system, our results revealed the impact of myelin patterns on the timing and reliability of neural signaling. Contrary to the conventional view in which uniform and equally spaced myelin segments imply linear conduction, our findings show that axonal conduction is a path-dependent, nonlinear process influenced by the specific distribution of myelinated and unmyelinated segments. Membrane potential propagation along model axons in the corpus callosum was found to be more vulnerable to myelin changes compared to those in the cortex, especially post-myelin injury, emphasizing the role of sheath locations in both health and disease.

KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pittà and colleagues publish new paper
The Science paper entitled "Evolutionary convergence of sensory circuits in the pallium of amniotes", and a UHN news highlight entitled "Unravelling brain evolution" provide details regarding this exciting work emanating from KCNhub!

Krembil Research Institute Seminar of interest by Dr. Katie Ferguson
The following talk (Feb 11th) may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is presented as part of the Krembil Seminar Series at the Krembil Discovery Tower.

Krembil Research Institute Seminar of interest by Dr. Mark Cembrowski
The following talk (Feb 4th) may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is presented as part of the Krembil Seminar Series at the Krembil Discovery Tower.

KCNhub member Reza is now Dr. Mohammad Reza Rezaei
Congratulations! to Dr. Mohammad Reza Rezaei on the successful completion of his PhD in Dr Lankarany's lab.

KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner retires at the end of 2024
Frances will transition to Emerita Scientist in the new year after formally retiring at the end of 2024. She will continue as an active member of KCNhub!

KCNhub members Spandan Sengupta, Drs. Frances Skinner and Jeremie Lefebvre and KCNhub alumnus Dr. Afroditi Talidou publish new paper
There are many different types of inhibitory cells in our brains that are differentially affected in disease. Concomitantly, coupled rhythms change in particular ways with disease. To help understand cell-type-specific changes in coupled rhythms, we develop a mathematical network model that is both respective of the cell type and also amenable to analyses. We focus on theta-gamma coupled rhythms in the hippocampus and include three different inhibitory cell types in our model circuits. By combining a theoretical analysis and numerical explorations, we find distinct contributions of these inhibitory cell types to coupled rhythms and predict motifs that are essential for the expression of theta-gamma coupled rhythms. Moving forward, we can leverage our model insights to help unravel cell-type contributions in disease states.

Krembil KCNhub and KCNI coming togher
The event will highlight collaborations between our two institutions and identify new opportunities to expand partnerships, and build new bridges to accelerate discoveries that bridge mental health and brain disorders.

KCNhub pic share by Frances
Hippocampal interneurons rule!

CRANIA conference 2024
Upcoming CRANIA conference (Oct 24/25) - a wonderful 2 days of learning (with lunch, snacks and plenty of coffee). Note upcoming registration deadline of September 6.

CPIN Distinguished Lecture by Dr. Giorgio Ascoli
October's KCN event seminar, hosted by KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner, is also a CPIN Distinguished Lecture - see 'recent and upcoming' for more details

Center for Mathematical Medicine (CMM) Seminar of interest by Eduardo Sontag
The following talk (Oct 4th at noon) may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is part of the Fields/CMM seminar series - see 'Training/Semina' tab. The speaker is Professor Eduardo Sontag (Northeastern), whose talk is entitled: "Some theoretical results about responses to inputs and transients in systems biology". The seminars will be in hybrid format (as usual).

KCNhub member Yupeng is now Dr Yupeng Tian
Congratulations to Dr. Yupeng Tian on the successful completion of his PhD in Dr Lankarany's lab.

KCNhub member Dr. Nooshin Bahador is a Canadian Neuroanalytics Scholar
Congratulations! Dr. Nooshin Bahador is part of the first Canadian Neuroanalytics Scholars Program cohort.


UHN news highlight of KCNhub research - De Pittà lab
The research of KCNhub member Maurizio De Pittà and alumni Giulio Bonifazo and colleagues uses biophysical modeling to shed light on conditions governing Aβ-dependent hyperactivity and its diagnostic utility. A UHN news writeup can be found following the link below.

KCNhub pic share by Ryan
Math is cool, and a key part of KCNhub

KCNhub pic share by Mike
Me with FES during my KCNhub summer

KCNhub pic share by Frances
Wow! Thanks "KCNhub and Milad and Maurizio" for this special arrangement - chrysanthemum in particular is cool, as it's my japanese middle name :)

Minisymposium on Computational Neuroscience to be held at CAIMS Meeting
This year's Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS) Meeting will include a Computational Neuroscience minisymposium.

KCNhub members Dr. Leon Steiner, David Crompton, Srdjan Sumarac, Drs. Maximilian Scherer, Milad Lankarany, Luka Milosevic and colleagues publish new paper
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) produces an electrophysiological signature called evoked resonant neural activity (ERNA); a high-frequency oscillation that has been linked to treatment efficacy. However, the single-neuron and synaptic bases of ERNA are unsubstantiated. This study proposes that ERNA is a subcortical neuronal circuit signature of DBS-mediated engagement of the basal ganglia indirect pathway network.

KCNhub members receive summer and study placement awards
Many congrats to Darian, Michael, Vivien, Erica, and Amartei!

KCNhub members Yupeng Tian, Srikar Saradhi, Drs. Leon Steiner, Milad Lankarany and colleagues publish new paper
A model-based closed-loop control system of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). The closed-loop control is based on our biophysically-realistic model underlying the DBS-impacted neural circuits. The system uses the model to predict activities in electromyography (EMG), which is implemented in a closed-loop controller to automatically update the DBS frequencies.

KCNhub members Yupeng Tian, Drs. Leon Steiner, Luka Milosevic, Milad Lankarany and colleagues publish new paper
A model of the firing rate dynamics of the nuclei impacted by Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). The model replicates human clinical data recorded during different DBS frequencies, and investigates the underlying mechanisms in terms of DBS-induced short-term synaptic plasticity.

NYC Talk of interest by KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pitta
Talk presentation entitled "Neuron-Glial Molecular Switches Across The Cognitive Spectrum" is accessible via zoom

KCNhub alumnus Dr. Giulio Bonifazi and KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pitta and colleagues publish new paper
A nonlinear meccano for Alzheimer's emergence by amyloid β-mediated glutamatergic hyperactivity" in Neurobiology of disease. This is the first study to model Alzheimer's emergence revealing how nonlinear molecular interactions diversify risk vs. treatment options in the wake of the disorder.

KCNhub member Zhenyang Sun receives NSERC Scholarship Award
Congratulations! Zhenyang, working in Dr. De Pittà's lab, has received a CGS-D NSERC Scholarship Award.

KCNhub members Zhenyang Sun and Yupeng Tian receive travel awards to attend CAN meeting
Zhenyang Sun working in Dr. Maurizio De Pittà's lab and Yupeng Tian working in Dr. Milad Lankarany's lab have obtained travel awards to attend the Canadian Neuroscience Meeting (CAN) in Vancouver on May 19-22 2024. Congratulations!

Physics colloquium talk of interest by Andrea Liu (UPenn)
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. The Physics Colloquium talk entitled "Physical systems that learn by themselves", will be given by Dr. Andrea Lium (UPenn) on Thursday April 4th at 310pm on campus (see link for further details).

KCNhub member Zhenyang Sun receives Study Supplement Award
Congratulations! Zhenyang has been awarded a Canada Graduate Scholarship - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement Award, for his stay in Germany

CPIN Distinguished Visiting Neuroscientist Lecture of interest by Carlos Brody (Princeton)
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. The 2023-2024 CPIN Julius Axelrod Distinguished Visiting Neuroscientist Lecture entitled "Towards cross-brain neural recordings, analyses, and modeling", will be given by Dr. Carlos Brody (Princeton) on Thursday March 14th at 4pm, MSB.

KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner publishes an Insight article
Building a mathematical model of the brain: Automatic leveraging of information in a hippocampal neuron database to generate mathematical models should help foster interactions between experimental and computational neuroscientists.

Center for Mathematical Medicine (CMM) Seminar of interest by Anmar Khadra
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is part of the Fields/CMM seminar series - see 'Training/Seminars' tab. The speaker is Professor Anmar Khadra (McGill University), whose talk is entitled: "Unraveling the Complex Interaction between Axons, Myelin, and Oligodendrocytes through Computational Modeling". The talk is on Friday, November 17 at 12:30pm. The seminars will be in hybrid format (as usual) - in person in Room 210 at the Fields Institute or join via https://zoom.us/j/99786422622).

KCNhub member Dr. Nooshin Bahador receives a Brain Canada Award
Congratulations! Dr. Nooshin Bahador has received a Brain Canada Rising Stars Award.

Tanz CRND Talk of interest by KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pitta
On Friday Oct 6th, noon-1pm, Dr. Maurizio De Pitta will be a guest speaker at the Tanz CRND seminar series (hybrid).

The fourth edition of the Canadian Computational Neuroscience Spotlight (CCNSv4) will take place on Oct 5-6
This CCNS meeting continues an organizational Krembil^2 collaboration and will once again take place entirely virtually using the Crowdcast platform. CCNSv4 will be a “sibling meeting” to the Krembil Computational Neuroscience Symposium taking place (in person in Toronto) on October 2-3.

KCN Symposium - DAY 2 Agenda
Agenda for Day 2 of the Krembil Computational Neuroscience (KCN) Symposium

KCN Symposium - DAY 1 Agenda
Agenda for Day 1 of the Krembil Computational Neuroscience (KCN) Symposium

UHN news highlight of KCNhub research - Lefebvre and Valiante labs
The research of KCNhub members, alumnus and collaborator on 'diversity and resilience' was highlighted in a recent UHN news highlight write-up, which can be found following the link below.

KCNhub member Dr. Milad Lankarany receives a Brain Canada Award
Congratulations! Dr. Milad Lankarany has received an award from the Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research Program.

New KCNhub logo launched!
Thank you and merci beaucoup Twayne!

Mini-symposium on Glia in Neurodegeneration
KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pitta is hosting a minisymposium with Dr. Gabor Kovacs on Tues September 19th.

CRANIA Conference 2023
Upcoming CRANIA Conference 2023 will take place on Wednesday, Sept 13, 2023 at 81 Bay St, CIBC Square - Microsoft Conference Centre. The conference promises to be an exciting gathering of brilliant minds, fostering collaboration and innovation in our field. See more info for tentative agenda.

Mark your calendars for our Krembil Computational Neuroscience (KCN) Symposium on Oct 2-3
Our KCN Symposium, Mathematical bridges for the brain: Theory and practice in neural health and disease, will take place at the BMO Education and Conference Center on Oct 2-3, 2023 (IN PERSON).

KCNhub member Dr. Milad Lankarany receives CIHR Operating Grant
Congratulations! Dr. Milad Lankarany has success at the Spring 2023 competition of the CIHR Project Grant Program.

KCNhub members Drs. Homeira Moradi, Frances Skinner, Taufik Valiante, and KCNhub alumni Dr. Scott Rich and Happy Inibhunu publish new paper
The direct study of human neurons, the fundamental unit of the nervous system, has rapidly advanced the understanding of what makes the human brain unique. A vital next step in this endeavor is connecting the distinguishing features of these neurons to the distinctive dynamics of the human brain at larger scales. Here, Inibhunu et. al. showcase the utility of computational tools in this pursuit, using detailed models to relate specific micro-level features of human neurons to a viable mechanism explaining oscillatory activity in the human cortex.

KCNhub members Dr. Aref Pariz, Daniel Trotter and Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre publish new paper with colleague
By having variability in intrinsic neuronal timescales, i.e. membrane time constant, it is feasible to engage spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) and control synaptic connectivity with periodic stimulation. This study offers exciting possibilities for guiding plasticity across cortical layers, through non-invasive brain stimulation techniques.

KCNhub members Mohammad Rezaei and Dr. Milad Lankarany publish new paper with colleagues
We propose a new model, the heterogeneous input discriminative-generative decoder (HI-DGD) model, which utilizes neural activities and behavioral signals to infer cognitive states related to conflict and non-conflict decision-making in Parkinson's disease patients. The HI-DGD model outperformed traditional methods, identifying significant neural features contributing to conflict processing and highlighting its potential for closed-loop neuromodulation systems.

KCNhub members Mohammad Rezaei and Dr. Milad Lankarany publish new paper with colleagues
We presented a computational framework demonstrating how an ensemble of homogeneous neurons can achieve synchrony-division multiplexing (SDM), allowing them to encode multiple features of a mixed stimulus. The study showed that slow and fast features of the stimulus can be inferred from the spikes generated by the ensemble, and the model revealed that the homogeneous neural ensemble can perform both temporal- and rate-coding functions simultaneously.

KCNhub members Yupeng Tian, Drs. Luka Milosevic and Milad Lankarany publish new paper with colleagues
We developed a model to investigate the physiological mechanisms underlying the firing rate dynamics of basal ganglia and thalamic neurons in response to different frequencies of DBS.

KCNhub members Drs. Nooshin Bahador and Milad Lankarany publish new paper
The attention mechanism in neural network models, originally designed for NLP, plays a crucial role in understanding the dynamics and stability of complex systems by identifying nodes involved in imbalanced structures and polarity-driven structural instabilities, which can lead to dramatic changes in network dynamics.

KCNhub members Dr. Nooshin Bahador, Josh Saha, Mohammad Rezaei and Dr. Milad Lankarany publish new paper with colleagues
DBS is a widely used treatment for movement disorders and cognitive neuroscience. This study proposes a new method to remove DBS artifacts from neural recordings by combining SVD and normalized adaptive filtering.

KCNhub members Drs. Jeremie Lefebvre and Taufik Valiante, and KCNhub alumnus Dr. Scott RIch publish new paper with colleague
The relationship between heterogeneity (variability in excitability within a population of neurons) and resilience was analyzed both analytically and numerically. From this, the fundamental role played by cell-to-cell heterogeneity in the robustness of brain function in the face of change is highlighted.

KCNI Annual Open House
The Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics’ Annual Open House is taking place on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 between 10 am to 2 pm.

KCNhub member Yijinmide Buren receives Krembil research day award
Congratulations Yiji and to all KCNhub members who presented at Krembil Research Day this year (nice to be physical again!). See more info for details from Krembil admin.

KCNhub member Zhenyang Sun receives NSERC Scholarship Award
Congratulations! Zhenyang has been awarded an NSERC CGSM Scholarship Award for 2023-24 for his project on modeling astrocytes as supervised by Dr. Maurizio De Pitta.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Liisa Galea
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Gillian Strudwick
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub member Zhenyang Sun receives travel award to attend CAN Meeting
Zhenyang Sun working in Dr. Maurizio De Pittà's lab has obtained a travel award to attend the Canadian Neuroscience Meeting (CAN) in Montreal in May 2023. Congratulations!

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Jed Meltzer
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub members David Crompton, Drs. Milad Lankarany and Frances Skinner and colleagues publish new paper
The authors conceptualize and use a robust adaptive unscented Kalman Filter (RAUKF) methodology with conductance-based neuron models. They show that parameters can be estimated in a real-time fashion despite model mismatches and variation in initial conditions. This opens up the field for parameter state estimation of biophysical parameters directly from experimental recordings.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Sarah Goodday
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub members Zhenyang Sun, David Crompton and Drs. Milad Lankarany and Frances Skinner publish new paper
The authors use a detailed cellular model of a hippocampal interneuron (OLM cell) to create a reduced model that maintains biophysical fidelity and captures complex output of spiking resonance of the detailed model. They undertake extensive analyses with the reduced model that subsequently predicts that a combination of h- and M-channel biophysical characteristics is what allows spiking resonance to occur at theta frequencies specifically in OLM cells in vivo. This theta resonance likely plays an essential role in the generation of theta rhythms in the hippocampus. The reduced model is further exploited to show that it is possible to directly extract conductance parameter values from current clamp recordings in real time using Kalman filter algorithms.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Gerold Schmitt-Ulms
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Center for Mathematical Medicine (CMM) Seminar of interest by Silvia Budday
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is part of the Fields/CMM seminar series - see 'Training' tab. CMM seminar at 12:15pm, Friday, November at 12:15pm. The seminar will be in hybrid format (as with all CMM seminars this year). In person in Room 210 at the Fields Institute, or via Zoom - you have to register on the CMM-Fields website to get the Zoom link.

Science Talk of interest by KCNhub member Daniel Trotter
Faculty of Science at URegina for LGBT STEM day this Friday (Nov 18) at 4:45 PM Eastern time. It's open to anyone who is interested to attend online. See 'more info' for details.

UHN research news highlight of KCNhub research - De Pittà lab
The research of Drs. Maurizio De Pittà and Nicola Brunel expose glia's role in cognitive processing, as highlighted in a recent UHN research news writeup which can be found following the link below

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Bengi Baran
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Department of Physiology (Univ Toronto) news highlight of KCNhub research - De Pittà lab
KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pittà highlighted in a Department of Physiology news writeup which can be found following the link below

UHN news highlight of KCNhub research - De Pittà lab
The research of KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pittà and colleague of glia's role in cognitive processing was highlighted in a recent UHN news writeup which can be found following the link below

KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pittà and colleague publish new paper
The authors propose that glia could underpin working memory, introducing models of cortical neuron–glial networks where synapse–glia signaling could account for firing and silent working memory encoding. Their theory can explain emerging accounts of the variegated nature of working memory encoding and the possible contribution of glia to it.

Mathematical Neuroscience Talk of interest by KCNhub member Dr. Afroditi Talidou
Hybrid talk being given by Dr. Afroditi Talidou in the Department of Mathematics, University of Ottawa. See 'more info' for details.

KCNhub alumnus Alireza Ghadimi and KCNhub members Leon Steiner, Drs. Luka Milosevic and Milad Lankarany and collaborator publish new paper
The authors develop a novel dual optimization method that can determine parameters for short-term plasticity models with different deep brain stimulation frequencies.

KCNhub members Drs. Afroditi Talidou and Jeremie Lefebvre and collaborators publish new paper
The authors studied the effects of activity-dependent myelination (ADM) on network activity and information transmission in the brain. They found that ADM implements a homeostatic gain control mechanism that enhances neural firing rates and correlations through the temporal coordination of action potentials as axon lengths increase. Moreover, ADM enhances information transmission under various types of time-varying stimuli. These results highlight the role of ADM in shaping neural activity and communication.

KCNhub members Drs. Luka Milosevic and Taufik Valiante and colleague receive CFI JELF Award
Congratulations! Drs. Luka Milosevic, Suneil Kalia and Taufik Valiante are one of five UHN research teams to have received Canada Foundation for Innovation’s John R. Evans Leaders Fund (JELF) for research infrastructure.

Center for Mathematical Medicine Seminar of interest by Alain Goriely
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is part of the Fields/CMM seminar series - see 'Training' tab.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Ryan Smith
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Angela Laird
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub member Dr. Milad Lankarany receives JP Bickell Medical Research Award
Congratulations! Dr. Milad Lankarany has received a 2022-23 Award from the JP Bickell Foundation.

KCNhub members Drs. Jeremie Lefebvre and Taufik Valiante publish in 'The Conversation'
What epilepsy teaches us about diversity and resilience - as written in The Conversation - an independent source of news and views, from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public.

KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pitta, organizer of latest advances in Computational and Experimental Glioscience Workshop, at Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting
Dr. De Pitta has organized a workshop at the Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS2022) that will take place in Melbourne, Australia on July 19-20. The workshop is entitled, Emerging Perspectives and Models for Neuron-Glial Interactions. Speakers include KCNhub members Drs De Pitta and Jeremie Lefebvre.

KCNhub member Dr. Afroditi Talidou to present at the Annual CNS2022 Meeting
Dr. Afroditi Talidou is one of the speakers at a workshop at the Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS2022) that will take place in Melbourne, Australia on July 16-20. The workshop is entitled, White matter, axons, and the role of delays – modeling axonal transmission.

KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pitta, organizer of Computational Glioscience Tutorial, at Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting
Dr. De Pitta has organized a tutorial session at the Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS2022) that will take place in Melbourne, Australia on July 16, 2022. The tutorial is entitled, Modeling Neuron-Glial Interactions. In addition to Dr De Pitta, KCNhub members Drs. Jeremie Lefebvre, Afroditi Talidou and Daniel Park are speakers in the tutorial.

KCNhub member Dr. Taufik Valiante publishes new paper with KCNhub alumni members and collaborators
The authors characterize single-unit activity during saccadic eye movements in the human mesial temporal lobe and demonstrate that this activity contains directional information and is inhibitory. These findings lead them to conclude that human memory structures receive a corollary discharge mediated by a circuit including the nucleus reuniens.

Computational Neuroscience Talk of interest: MPUTC Lecture by Dr. Michael Yassa
The following lecture is an event in the Max-Planck-University of Toronto Center for Neural Science and Technology. It is of interest to the KCNhub community. Click "more info" for details!

KCNI Annual Open House
The Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics’ Annual Open House is taking place on Friday, June 24, 2022 between 10 am to 4 pm.

The third edition of the Canadian Computational Neuroscience Spotlight, co-organized by KCNhub members Dr. Scott Rich and Dr. Milad Lankarany, will take place June 6-7
CCNSv3 will include sessions on Neural Circuit Modeling (chaired by KCNhub alumnus Dr. Alexandra Chatzikalymniou), Large-Scale Brain Modeling, Neuro-AI, and Cognitive Modeling. Details can be found at ccnsmeeting.ca, click "more info" below for a link to the registration page.

Krembil^2 Retreat
The Krembil Centre for Neuroinformatics at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and the Krembil Brain Institute at the University Health Network are hosting a special Krembil² retreat to bring together the two hospitals and its research scientists and establish a formal collaboration between the two institutions. Intended Audience: Researchers, clinicians, and trainees under CAMH and UHN.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Jesse Gillis
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub members Drs. Scott Rich, Homeira Moradi Chameh, Jeremie Lefebvre and Taufik Valiante publish new paper
This interdisciplinary work highlights that neural heterogeneity is lost in epileptogenic human brain tissue, which renders neural circuits more vulnerable to sudden transitions into synchrony that are a hallmark of seizure onset.

Talk of Interest by KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich at NERCCS 2022
Dr. Scott Rich is an invited speaker at the Fifth Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems (see link below for more info). The conference runs March 31 to April 1, and Dr. Rich will give his presentation, entitled "Multistability and bifurcations in epileptogenic neural circuits", at 2:30 pm on April 1. Registration is free!

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Philip Sterzer
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

EMBO | EMBL Symposium: Biological oscillators: design, mechanism, function
This symposium (6-9 March, 2022) may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its inclusion of computational neuroscience aspects. KCNhub member (F.K.Skinner) is one of the speakers. Virtual registration deadline - February 24, 2022.

KCNhub member Dr. Maurizio De Pitta is a Director of the Organization for Computational Neurosciences
Congratulations! Dr. Maurizio De Pitta has been elected to the Board of Directors of the Organization of Computational Neurosciences (OCNS) for 2022.

KCNhub member Dr. Taufik Valiante has a new appointment
Congratulations! Dr. Taufik Valiante appointed as Gerry and Tootsie Halbert Chair in Neural Repair and Regeneration at University Health Network.

Are dendrites necessary for cortical computation?
The following workshop may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. A Dendrites Virtual Workshop hosted at Emory University Dec. 7. Click "more info" for details!

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich to present at Neuromatch 4.0
Dr. Rich will be presenting work entitled "Resilience through diversity: Loss of neuronal heterogeneity in epileptogenic human tissue impairs network resilience to sudden changes in synchrony" as a featured short talk at Neuromatch 4.0 on Wednesday, December 1 at 2 p.m. Click "more info" for a link to the abstract and to the site for registration information.

UHN news highlight of KCNhub research - Skinner lab
The research of KCNhub members to understand the generation of brain rhythms was highlighted in a recent UHN research news write-up which can be found following the link below.

Canadian Symposium for Computational Neuroscience
Campus Alberta Neuroscience is presenting a Canadian Symposium for Computational Neuroscience, being held October 26-27 2021. This may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. KCNhub member (F.K.Skinner) is one of the speakers.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Xiaosi Gu
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Free Online Workshop: Towards multipurpose neural network models II: Model testing and model fitting
This online workshop on Sept 29-Oct 1 organized by A. Arkhipov (Allen Institute) and G. Einevoll (Oslo) may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. KCNhub member (F.K Skinner) is a speaker in the workshop.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Rebecca Hodge
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Computational Neuroscience Talk of interest by Dr. Maurizio De Pittà (KCNhub member)
The following talk in the Physiology Department by Dr. Maurizio De Pittà may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. Click "more info" for details!

KCNhub member Dr. Luka Milosevic receives Brain Canada award
Congratulations! Dr. Luka Milosevic is one of 20 early career researchers to have received an award from the Future Leaders in Canadian Brain Research Program.

KCNhub alumnus Dr. Alexandre Guet-McCreight and KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner publish new paper
In this work the authors show how computational models and theoretical analyses can be leveraged to bring together in vitro and in vivo experiments to determine functional contributions of specialized inhibitory cell types in the hippocampus.

KCNhub member Dr. Milad Lankarany and collaborators receive Krembil Collaborative Seed Grant
Grant Title: A Translational Computing Framework to Uncover Mechanistic Pathways of Depression in Patients with MDD-Epilepsy via Simultaneous Stimulation and iEEG Recordings.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Marta Garrido
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub members Drs. Marjan Rafiee and Taufik Valiante and collaborator publish new paper
In this paper, the authors review how auditory stimulation alters brain dynamics, in addition to computational approaches to define the structural features of classical music, to then propose a plausible mechanism for the underlying anti-convulsant effects of listening to Mozart K.448.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Blake Richards
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub members Yupeng Tian, Drs. Idir Mellal, Milad Lankarany and collaborators publish new paper
Textile recorded ECG signals are essential for realizing the day-to-day health monitoring of heart rate variability. By developing a novel model of textile sensor noise, the authors generate standardized textile-ECG datasets to develop, test and validate textile-compatible ECG R-peak detection algorithms.

UHN news highlight of KCNhub research - Milosevic and Lankarany labs
The research of KCNhub members and collaborators to provide insights into the effects of DBS stimulation was highlighted in a recent UHN research news write-up which can be found following the link below.

KCNhub members Drs. Luka Milosevic, Milad Lankarany and collaborators publish new paper
Despite the established use of deep brain stimulation (DBS) as a therapeutic intervention for disorders such as Parkinson's, essential tremor, and dystonia, the neurophysiological mechanisms of action have remained elusive. In this recent work, we have provided experimental and computational insights into the effects of DBS across various subcortical nuclei in patients undergoing neurosurgery. This work demonstrates that the modulation of single-neuron activity by DBS pulses is site-specific and dependent on the engaged local microcircuitry. Stimulation in structures with predominantly GABAergic inputs leads to inhibition of neuronal activity, while stimulation in structures with predominantly glutamatergic inputs leads to neuronal excitation. Moreover, DBS is frequency-dependent, which is a consequence of the elicitation of short-term synaptic plasticity. Namely, increased stimulation frequencies lead to a site-unspecific convergence towards neuronal suppression, hypothesized to be the result of synaptic depression. The site-specific modulation of neuronal activity by single pulses was modelled as a simultaneous activation of all afferent inputs to stimulation target neurons; each of which was implemented with distributions of inhibitory/excitatory afferent inputs derived from anatomical literature. The frequency-dependence of DBS was modelled by a concurrent implementation of the Tsodyks-Markram model of short-term plasticity, which modulates synaptic efficacy based on the frequency of successive activations. This computational framework, which takes into consideration both anatomical and physiological properties of the the stimulated brain regions, could effectively model experimental data from the human subthalamic nucleus, substantia nigra pars reticulata, thalamic ventral intermediate nucleus, and thalamic reticular nucleus.

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich receives prize at 21st Annual Krembil Research Day
Annual Krembil Research Day held virtually on June 16th via GatherTown - nice work!

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich to present at the CNS2021 Online Meeting
Featured Talk entitled: Lost neural heterogeneity in human epilepsy is a fundamental principle unifying epileptic etiologies

KCNI's Annual Virtual Open House
The Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics is having its annual virtual open house.

UHN news highlight of KCNhub research - Valiante lab
The research of KCNhub members and collaborators to characterize the diverse cell types of the human brain was highlighted in a recent UHN research news write-up which can be found following the link below.

KCNhub members Dr. Alexandra Pierri Chatzikalymniou, Melisa Gumus and Dr. Frances Skinner publish new paper
By linking minimal and detailed mathematical models of CA1 hippocampus, the authors are able to distinguish pyramidal cells as the initiators of theta rhythms in the hippocampus and to predict how theta frequencies are controlled.

Computational Neuroscience Talk of interest by Dr. Kim (Avrama) Blackwell
The following talk in the Physiology Department by Dr. Blackwell may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. Click "more info" for details!

The second Canadian Computational Neuroscience Spotlight (CCNSv2) begins
Register now for CCNSv2 taking place on May 17-18. Further details at the link.

KCNhub members Drs. Homeira Moradi Chameh, Scott Rich, Taufik Valiante, and collaborators publish new paper
This paper presents one of the largest ever characterizations of the intrinsic properties of human cortical neurons, revealing notable diversity in their properties and distinct features of these neurons when compared to their rodent counterparts.

KCNhub member Dr. Afroditi Talidou and collaborators publish new paper
The authors introduce a new geometrical extension of the FitzHugh–Nagumo equations describing propagation of electrical impulses in unmyelinated axons.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Joel Zylberberg
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich has been awarded the Stériade-Savoy postdoctoral fellowship
The Stériade-Savoy postdoctoral fellowship is awarded by the Savoy Foundation, one of Canada's only philanthropic organizations focused solely on epilepsy research.

KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner talks with ConcussionTalk Podcast
Nick Mercer of ConcussionTalk chats with Dr. Frances Skinner

KCNhub members Drs. Frances Skinner, Alexandra Chatzikalymniou, Scott Rich, Jeremie Lefebvre, and KCNhub alumnus Anton Lunyov publish new paper
This work builds on previously developed network models of the hippocampus to develop hypotheses of how the frequency of theta rhythms (associated with learning and memory) are controlled.

Kramay Patel (KCNhub member) honoured with a U of T Award of Excellence
Graduate student Kramay Patel (BME MD/PhD candidate) is one of two engineering community members honoured by the University of Toronto with Awards of Excellence (AWEX).

Computational Neuroscience Talk of interest by Dr. Michael Halassa
The following talk in the Physiology Department by Dr. Michael Halassa may be of interest to the KCNhub community as it involves computational neuroscience/modeling. Click "more info" for details!

Inauguration of the Max Planck – University of Toronto Centre for Neural Science and Technology with co-Director Dr. Taufik Valiante (KCNhub member)
The inauguration of the Max Planck – University of Toronto for Neural Science and Technology will be held on April 14th, 2021.

Computational Neuroscience Talk of interest by Dr. Frances Skinner (KCNhub member)
The following talk in the 'Neurowire Virtual Club' by Dr. Frances Skinner may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Petra Ritter
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Joana Cabral
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Mathematical Neuroscience Talk of interest by Dr. Afroditi Talidou (KCNhub member)
The following talk in an Applied Math workshop by Dr. Afroditi Talidou may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. Click "more info" for details!

Computational Neuroscience Talk of interest by Dr. Peter Dayan
The following talk via Fields/Machine Learning Advances and Applications Seminar may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. Pre-registration required.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Lori Chibnik
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Computational Neuroscience Talk of interest by Dr. Milad Lankarany (KCNhub member)
The following talk in the Physiology Department by Dr. Milad Lankarany may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. Click "more info" for details!

KCNhub members Drs. Scott Rich and Milad Lankarany and collaborators publish new paper
Drs. Rich and Lankarany and collaborators have distilled the lessons learned from creating and organizing the Canadian Computational Neuroscience Spotlight into "Ten Simple Rules" for creating a virtual academic meeting, published in PLOS Computational Biology.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Frances Skinner (KCNhub member)
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

Computational Neuroscience Talk of interest by Dr. Sean Hill
The following talk in the Physiology Department by Dr. Sean Hill may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. Click "more info" for details!

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Stephanie Jones
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich publishes in the ORT Times
Dr. Rich provides tips for fellowship writing in his newest piece for the ORT Times.

KCNhub member Dr. Taufik Valiante takes on Directorship of The CRANIA Neuromodulation Institute
Congratulations to neurosurgeon & Krembil scientist Dr Valiante, who will take on the new role of Director of The CRANIA Neuromodulation Institute (CNMI). The goal of the CNMI is to advance the field of neuromodulation in Canada, through collaboration.

KCNhub member Dr. Taufik Valiante on today's UHN podcast Behind the Breakthrough
On today's episode of @UHN's Behind the Breakthrough Podcast, CRANIA co-founder Dr Valiante discusses the implantable computer chip he invented to prevent seizures, burnout in healthcare workers, and achieving mental wellness.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Philip De Jager
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

KCNhub member Alexandra Chatzikalymniou to present at Neuromatch 3.0 virtual conference
Title: On the generation of theta rhythms and theta-gamma phase amplitude coupling. Authors: Alexandra Chatzikalymniou; Frances K Skinner. Neuromatch 3.0 virtual conference persention time: Oct 27, 2:30 PM.

KCNhub member Alexandra Chatzikalymniou to present at FIP2020
State-of-the-art, biophysical models of the CA1 region of the hippocampus reveal how theta rhythms are generated and how their frequencies are controlled.

KCNhub members Drs. Scott Rich, Homeira Moradi Chameh, Taufik Valiante, Frances Skinner and KCNhub alumnus Dr. Vladislav Sekulic publish new paper
This work presents the development of a novel human cell model of a L5 pyramidal cortical cell. It is used to show that particular biophysical ion channel differences between human and rodent can be responsible for dynamical response differences.

KCNhub alumnus Dr. Alexandre Guet-McCreight and KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner and collaborators publish new paper
This study describes particular physiological changes in inhibitory interneurons, but not in their numbers and morphologies, during aging. These changes are correlated with learning and memory deficits that occur with age.

KCNhub members David Crompton and Shakiba Tonekabonipour receive Mitacs Research Training Awards
Congratulations! David Crompton and Shakiba Tonekabonipour have been awarded Mitacs Research Training Awards for Fall 2020 working with KCNhub member Dr. Milad Lankarany.

KCNhub members Mohammad Rezaei and Dr. Milad Lankarany and collaoborator publish new paper
This new work shows that the amount of information that differentially correlated spikes in a neural ensemble carry is not the same; the information of different types of spikes is associated with different features of the stimulus.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. John Murray
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

World Wide Neuro talks of interest by Profs Henning Sprekeler and Rishidev Chaudhuri
The following talks may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is part of the ongoing online neuroscience World Wide Neuro talks - see 'Resources' tab of kcnhub.com

KCNhub members Daniel Park and Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre publish new paper
This work describes Important mathematical breakthroughs to better understand white matter plasticity

KCNhub members Drs. Scott Rich, Jeremie Lefebvre, Taufik Valiante and Frances Skinner, along with collaborator Dr. Axel Hutt, publish new paper
This new research uses both computational and mathematical investigations to provide a fundamental mechanism underlying the anti-ictogenic role of noise in neural networks, as well as novel proposals for optimizing the efficacy of neurostimulation in the treatment of epilepsy.

KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner with KCNhub alumni Drs. Vladislav Sekulic and Alexandre Guet-McCreight and collaborators publish new paper
This work shows that a tight integration of model and experiment can help tackle the challenge of characterizing biophysical details and distributions in spatially extended neurons. Here, we specifically characterized h-channel properties and showed that they must be present in the dendrites of OLM cells.

World Wide Neuro Talks of interest this week (sept 15-18) by Shreejoy Tripathy, Christophe Benard, David McCormick, Gord Fishell, Julijana Gjorgjieva
The following talks may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is part of the ongoing online neuroscience World Wide Neuro talks - see 'Resources' tab of kcnhub.com

KCNhub member Alireza Ghadimi receives AGE-WELL-UofT FASE Award in Technology and Aging
Congratulations! Alireza Ghadimi has been awarded an AGE-WELL-UofT FASE Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Award in Technology and Aging for 2020-21.

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich receives inaugural Yuet Ngor Wong Award
Congratulations! Dr. Scott Rich has been awarded an inaugural Yuet Ngor Wong Award for the 2020-2021 academic year on behalf of the Department of Physiology and the Centre for Mathematical Medicine at the Fields Institute.

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich publishes in the ORT Times
Dr. Rich details the importance of communication in working with multiple supervisors on an interdisciplinary research project in his newest piece for the ORT Times.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Justin Baker
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at the Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics (KCNI) at CAMH.

World Wide Neuro talk of interest by Dr. Alfredo Gonzalez-Sulser
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is part of the ongoing online neuroscience World Wide Neuro talks - see 'Resources' tab.

Center for Mathematical Medicine Seminar of interest by Dr. Jonathan Rubin
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is part of the Fields/CMM seminar series - see 'Training' tab.

KCNhub member Dr. Milad Lankarany, Navid Hasanzadeh and Mohammadreza Rezaei, KCNhub alumnus Sayan Faraz and collaborator publish new paper
Necessary conditions for reliable propagation of the time-varying firing rate across multiple layers of feed-forward neural networks were explored. This work is related to the concepts of stochastic resonance & system-size coherence resonance.

World Wide Neuro Talk of interest by Dr. Peyman Golshani
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It is part of the ongoing online neuroscience World Wide Neuro talks - see 'Resources' tab.

Krembil Neuroinformatics Talk of interest by Dr. Gaute Einevoll
The following talk may be of interest to KCNhubbers and the computational neuroscience community. It continues a speaker series at KCNI - will be posted on 'Resources' tab when it becomes available.

KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner to present at the CNS2020 Online Meeting
Workshop entitled: Dissecting the role of interneurons in mnemonic functions using computational modelling approaches

KCNhub member Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre publishes (again) in 'The Conversation'
Neurostimulation may herald a new treatment for depression - as written in The Conversation - an independent source of news and views, from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public.

KCNhub member Alireza Ghadimi to present at the CNS2020 Online Meeting
Inferring parameters of DBS-induced short-term synaptic plasticity from in-vivo recordings of human brain

KCNhub alumnus Dr. Alexandre Guet-McCreight to present at the CNS2020 Online Meeting
Computationally Going Where Experiments Cannot: A Dynamical Assessment of Dendritic Currents in the Behaving Animal

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich to present at the CNS2020 Online meeting
Dr. Scott Rich will present research performed with fellow KCNhub members Drs. Frances Skinner, Taufik Valiante and Jeremie Lefebvre investigating the mathematical underpinnings of the anti-ictogenic effects of high-frequency noisy and periodic neurostimulation in model neural microcircuits. Click the following link to see his poster and the links to the presentation itself.

KCNhub alumnus Rabiya Noori to present at the CNS2020 Online Meeting
Adaptive activity-dependent myelination promotes synchronization in large-scale brain network

KCNhub member Daniel Park to present at the CNS2020 Online Meeting
Synchronization and resilience in the Kuramoto white matter network model with adaptive state-dependent delays

KCNhub members Drs. Milad Lankarany and Idir Mellal to present at IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Workshop
Workshop entitled: Advances in Wearable Technology and Biomedical Devices: Opportunities and Challenges

KCNhub member Jack Zhenyang Sun receives NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
NSERC USRA awarded to Jack working in Dr. Frances Skinner's Lab. Project entitled, "Capturing Biophysical Dynamics in Reduced Models of Hippocampal Interneurons".

KCNhub member Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre publishes in 'The Conversation'
Our brains communicate information in a manner that can be likened to an air traffic controller - as written in The Conversation - an independent source of news and views, from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public.

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich publishes op-ed in Times Higher Education
In his second op-ed for Times Higher Education, Dr. Scott Rich discusses the risk that the "virtual academy" could become a "feedback loop" excluding young and early-career researchers, and the steps that should be taken not to leave out the next generation of academics.

UHN news highlight of KCNhub research - Lefebvre Lab
The research of KCNhub members and collaborators to understand “brain infrastructure” via mathematical modeling was highlighted in a recent UHN research news write-up which can be found following the link below.

Krembil Neuroinformatics One Year Celebration
The Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics is celebrating one year with a day of presentations.

KCNhub member Dr. Milad Lankarany receives NSERC Discovery Grant
Grant Title: Uncovering biophysical and functional mechanisms of information processing in neural systems

KCNhub member Dr. Taufik Valiante receives NSERC Discovery Grant
Grant Title: HuNeuD - The Human Neuron Discovery Program

KCNhub alumnus Sayan Faraz and KCNhub members Drs. Idir Mellal and Milad Lankarany publish new paper
Multi-layered feedforward neural network (mlFNN) is thought of as a biologically-plausible architecture that transmits information from the upstream neurons to the downstream neurons. The impact of synaptic strength in the reliable propagation of asynchronous spikes in mlFNN is studied.

Krembil Neuroinformatics talk of interest by Dr. Sean Hill
The following talk may be of interest to the computational neuroscience community. It is the start of a series of talks at KCNI - will be posted on 'Resources' tab when it becomes available.

KCNhub members Yupeng Tian and Dr. Milad Lankarany, KCNhub alumnus Sara Taghizadeh Kakhki and collaborators publish new paper
The feasibility of ECG recordings from the waist was demonstrated using textile sensors. This study provides a foundation for the development of smart wearables like smart underwear for Heart Health Monitoring in a continuous, real-time, and non-invasive way.

KCNhub member Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre with KCNhub alumni Rabiya Noori, Dr. John Griffiths, KCNhub member Daniel Park and collaborators publish new paper
This work suggests that adaptive myelination may be a mechanism that enables brain networks with a means of temporal self-organization, resilience, and homeostasis.

KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner and collaborators receive New Frontiers in Research Fund - Exploration Grant
Grant Title: Merging Mathematical Models and Experimental Data of Brain Rhythms to Identify Cell-Specific Pathways Modified in Brain Injury Disease States

KCNhub alumnus Dr. Alexandre Guet-McCreight, KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner and collaborator publish new paper
Everything you wanted to know about interneuron-specific cells but were afraid to ask!

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich publishes the second piece in his "Interdisciplinary Research" series for the Academic Chatter Blog
The second piece in Scott's blog series, charting his path to a career in Interdisciplinary Research, can be found by clicking the following link.

KCNhub members Chaim Katz, Kramay Patel, Dr. Taufik Valiante and collaborators publish new paper
For memory/hippocampus aficionados - saccades and image onset responses are very different - something to keep in mind when designing visual memory tasks.

KCNhub members Dr. Marjan Rafiee, Kramay Patel, Dr. Taufik Valiante and collaborators publish new paper
In this one year intervention it was shown daily listening to Mozart K.448 can reduce seizures frequency in individuals with epilepsy, in comparison with a carefully selected control piece lacking rhythmicity.

KCNhub member Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre to present at Neuromatch 2.0 virtual conference
Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre will present his research on adaptive myelination, white matter plasticity and synchrony during the 1 pm parallel "short talks" session of the Neuromatch 2.0 conference. More details can be found via the following link.

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich to present at Neuromatch 2.0 virtual conference
Dr. Scott Rich will present his research, "Modeling reveals human-rodent differences in h-channel kinetics influencing resonance in cortical layer 5 neurons", during the 7 pm parallel "short talks" session of the Neuromatch 2.0 conference. More details can be found via the following link.

Keyfitz Lecture in Mathematics and the Social Sciences by Wendy K. Tam Cho
This annual Fields lecture may be of interest to the KCNhub community, and can be accessed via the link below.

KCNhub member Dr. Scott Rich publishes his first piece as an "ORT Times Science Writer"
Scott will be contributing pieces to the Office of Research Trainees' monthly newletter, the "ORT Times", approximately bimonthly. You can read his first piece, outlining some important tips for working from home, by following the "more info" link.

"Neurotheory" virtual talk of interest by Dr. Andre Longtin
This talk by Dr. Andre Longtin may be of interest to the KCNHub community, and can be accessed via the link below. It is part of an ongoing series of “Neurotheory World” virtual talks.

UHN news highlight of KCNhub research - Skinner Lab
The research of KCNhub members and collaborators to “map out memory” via mathematical modeling was highlighted in a recent UHN research news write-up which can be found following the link below.

KCNhub alumnus Dr. Alexandre Guet-McCreight and KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner publish new paper
This computational study takes advantage of our detailed multi-compartment models to investigate dendritic ion channel biophysics.

Focus Program on New Geometric Methods in Neuroscience
This program at the Fields Institute may be of interest to the KCNhub community. Event is ongoing from Feb 24 to March 13.

Computational Neuroscience Talk of interest by Dr. Shreejoy Tripathy
The following talk in the Physiology Department by Dr. Shreejoy Tripathy may be of interest to the KCNhub community given its focus on computational neuroscience. Click "more info" for details!

KCNhub alumnus Dr. Alexandre Guet-McCreight, KCNhub member Dr. Frances Skinner and collaborators publish new paper
This new research combines computational and experimental work to understand disinhibition mechanisms in the hippocampus

KCNhub member Dr. Jeremie Lefebvre and collaborators publish new paper
This new research examines the role played by noise in dictating coherent brain dynamics.

KCNhub members Drs. Scott Rich, Marjan Rafiee, Frances Skinner, Taufik Valiante, KCNhub alumnus Dr. Katie Ferguson and collaborator publish new paper
This new research posits a computational mechanism underlying the increased activity of interneurons seen prior to seizure initiation.

Dr. Scott Rich publishes opinion piece in Times Higher Education.
The reach of KCNHub is extending into the realm of scientific communication! Dr. Scott Rich recently published an opinion piece in Times Higher Education discussing both the benefits and drawbacks of how social media, specifically Twitter, is used amongst academics. You can read the piece here.